Accessibility Checker for Canvas - Using Anthology Ally


The Anthology Ally tool in Canvas lets instructors make sure teaching materials are accessible and can be viewed and digested by students with disabilities. Accessibility is required by Virginia Tech (VT Policy 7215) and the U.S. government (Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act). 

Anthology Ally is not a file editor.

Anthology Ally can:




Allowed Files

Once uploaded to Canvas, Anthology Ally can review:

Alternative Formats

Many learners benefit from materials in an alternative format that better support their learning preferences or abilities. Some formats are easier to access for assistive technologies such as screen readers, refreshable Braille displays, or text-to-speech applications. Anthology Ally lets instructors create and students download the following alternative file formats: 

Alternative formats available depend on the original file format: 

  Tagged PDF HTML ePub  Electronic Braille  Audio BeeLine Reader
MS Word  ✔
HTML      ✔
MS PowerPoint



Anthology Ally website:

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Checking the Course Accessibility Report

The Ally Course Accessibility Report by Anthology in Canvas can help you obtain a high-level view of accessibility across your Canvas course site and help you prioritize remediation strategies to improve accessibility in your Canvas content. This tool is readily available for you to access and utilize in your Canvas course sites.

Click on the Ally Course Accessibility Report tab in your course navigation menu to access an overview of your course accessibility.

Image of the above instructions

We recommend starting with All Course Content and Choose What to Fix First to begin remediation in your course. More information about these tools can be found on Anthology's page on the Course Accessibility Report.

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Checking Accessibility with the Accessibility Meter

Ally automatically scans Canvas files after it is integrated. 

The accessibility meter appears either before or after a file in Canvas, depending on the file's location. 

Red & pointing left:
File is not accessible
Orange & pointing up: 
File is partially accessible 
Green & pointing right: 
File is accessible
Accessibility meter is red and pointing left. Accessibility meter is yellow and pointing up. Accessibility meter is green and pointing right.

Click the meter to go to the file preview and see detailed accessibility information. 

In Files
  1. Click Files in the Course Navigation Menu.
  2. There will be a column labeled Accessibility.
    Image of the above instructions
In Assignments (and anywhere else that uses the Rich Content Editor)

Go to AssignmentsAnnouncements, or any other tool that uses the Rich Content Editor. Anthology Ally will scan and report on the accessibility of files attached in the Rich Content Editor. 

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Viewing Accessibility Details

  1. Click the Accessibility Meter next to any file. 
    Inaccessible scale next to file in Canvas Files
  2. The accessibility report shows percent accessibility, missing components, and an explanation of issues.
    1. Untagged PDF
      Image of the above instructions
    2. Microsoft Word document without headers
      Example of a document without header issue.
    3. Image with low contrast and missing alternative text.
      Example of missing alternative text and low contrast on an image.

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Adding Alt Text for Image Descriptions

  1. In the accessibility report for an image, click Fix.
    Image of the above instructions
  2. Add an image description (Alt Text). 
    1. Click How to write a good description for instructions. 
    2. Check Indicate image is decorative if the image is an icon, logo, or graphic element that does not contribute to the content of the file. 
    3. Save. 
      Use the Ally tool to fix low accessibility score for images.

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Fixing Other Accessibility Issues

Anthology Ally is not a file editor.

Ally only lets you add Alt Text to images in scanned files. For all other issues, edit files on your computer and upload a new version to Canvas. See Improve Content Accessibility for detailed instructions. 

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Managing Alternative Formats

Enable Alternative Formats
  1. Go to course Files and click a file.
  2. Click Alternative formats.
    Image of the above instructions
  3. On the Alternative formats popup, click Enable for this file.
    Image of the above instructions
Disable Alternative Formats
  1. Go to course Files and click a file.
  2. Click Alternative formats.
  3. In the Download alternative formats popup, click the drop-down arrow next to Download alternative formats → Disable alternative formats for this file.
    Image of the above instructions
Download Alternative Formats
  1. Go to course Files and click a file.
  2. Click Alternative formats.
    Image of the above instructions
  3. In the Download alternative formats popup, click the format you want to download. The available formats will vary based on the file type. Then click Download
    Image of the above instructions

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About Alternative Formats

The table below outlines the best formats for your particular study needs.


Electronic Braille



PDF, Tagged

HTML, Semantic


Beeline Reader

Adjust text, font, and background color




Adjust audio playback speed






Commuting, driving




Copy, paste, and search



Format adapts to device, responsive


Highlighting, note taking, and bookmarking




Mobile device




Prefer listening



Prefer reading





Text to speech with speed adjustment



The above table is licensed by Anthology under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.

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Downloading Alternative Formats

From Canvas Files
  1. Go to course Files and click a file.
  2. Click Alternative formats.
    • If the instructor has disabled alternative formats, this option will not appear.
      Image of the above instructions
  3. Click your alternative format, then click Download. The available formats will vary based on the file type. The first student to download an alternative file will need to wait for it to generate. All other students can download the file immediately.
    Image of the above instructions
From Assignments
  1. Go to Assignments and click and assignment. 
  2. Click the down arrow next to the file -> Alternative Formats.
    Image of the above instructions
  3. Click your alternative format, then click Download.
    • Available formats vary based on original file type. 
    • The first student to download an alternative file will need to wait for it to generate. All other students can download the file immediately.

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I can't fix my file in Anthology Ally

Anthology Ally is not a file editor.

We recommend instructors check the accessibility of their files before uploading to Canvas. Virginia Tech community members have access to two accessibility editors, Microsoft Accessibility Checker and Grackle. See: 

I don't see alternative formats

If an instructor chooses to disable alternative formats for a specific file, the alternative format option will not be available. Please contact your instructor with questions or concerns.

Canvas froze when I clicked alternative formats

Leave the Canvas page, reload, and try again. 

Canvas froze when I tried to download an alternative format

The first person to download an alternative format must wait up to a minute for the format to be generated. After that, subsequent people can download the generated file immediately. 

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Getting Help

For technical support and information on accessibility, go to the 4Help Portal, log in, and click Get Help. Your request will be forwarded to the Accessible Technologies group. 

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