Registering Online for eduroam Wireless LAN Service


How do I sign up or register for Virginia Tech wireless access at Virginia Tech? How can I verify that I am registered for access to the wireless network or the remote access - VPN?

For more information, see the Wireless Network Access Web page.



To Register

Faculty and Staff

Submit or have your Network Liaison submit an Interdepartmental Communications Request (ICR) or a Non-Student Private Use Only Registration Form.

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Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Students are automatically registered for wireless service.

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To Verify Your Registration

Faculty and Staff

    1. Go to OneCampus.
    2. If the page darkens with text overlaid, click anywhere on the page.
    3. Near the top of the page, in the What would you like to do? search box, type: account
    4. On the keyboard, press Enter or Return.
    5. Click Manage Accounts.
    6. In the window that appears, if prompted, log on with your VT Username (PID), passphrase, and 2-factor authentication.
    7. Under Network Access (Eduroam WiFi, VPN Remote Access), in the Authorized column, look for check marks.
      • If there is a check mark next to WIRELESS LAN SERVICE and / or REMOTE ACCESS VPN, your account is registered.
      • If there is an "X" next to WIRELESS LAN SERVICE and / or REMOTE ACCESS VPN, your account is not registered.

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Search words: wireless, wifi, wi-fi, wi fi, Internet, network, activated, status