How do I sign up or register for Virginia Tech wireless access at Virginia Tech? How can I verify that I am registered for access to the wireless network or the remote access - VPN?
For more information, see the Wireless Network Access Web page.
- To Register
- To Verify Your Registration
To Register
Faculty and Staff
Submit or have your Network Liaison submit an Interdepartmental Communications Request (ICR) or a Non-Student Private Use Only Registration Form.
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Undergraduate and Graduate Students
Students are automatically registered for wireless service.
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To Verify Your Registration
Faculty and Staff
- Go to OneCampus.
- If the page darkens with text overlaid, click anywhere on the page.
- Near the top of the page, in the What would you like to do? search box, type: account
- On the keyboard, press Enter or Return.
- Click Manage Accounts.
- In the window that appears, if prompted, log on with your VT Username (PID), passphrase, and 2-factor authentication.
- Under Network Access (Eduroam WiFi, VPN Remote Access), in the Authorized column, look for check marks.
- If there is a check mark next to WIRELESS LAN SERVICE and / or REMOTE ACCESS VPN, your account is registered.
- If there is an "X" next to WIRELESS LAN SERVICE and / or REMOTE ACCESS VPN, your account is not registered.
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Search words: wireless, wifi, wi-fi, wi fi, Internet, network, activated, status